Downloading Your Pricebooks

When you log in to your online account on our website you will see your specific pricing on all products and have the ability to download that pricing into either a PDF or CSV file. This helps you keep your own pricing updated in your systems.

You can download your pricebook from our website and then upload that file into your systems as needed. No more manual updates for potentially hundreds of products saving yourself a major headache.

How to View and Download Pricebooks:

There are a few places you can download pricebooks: 

Product List Pages:

  1. Login to your East Coast Metal Distributor's account
  2. Search for product by brand or category and filter as needed
  3. Once on the product list page you will find a "Download Price Sheet" option at the top of your results
  4. Click on the format you wish to download, either PDF or CSV


Order Templates: 

  1. Login to your East Coast Metal Distributor's account
  2. Click on Order Template in the customer portal menu
  3. Click on the format you wish to download, either PDF or CSV, from the list you wish to download from. These options are located to the right of your Order Template name.



  1. Login to your East Coast Metal Distributor's account
  2. Click on Bids in the customer portal menu
  3. Search and select the bid you wish to view pricing on
  4. Select the file format you would like to download, located in the top right-hand corner of the bid.

Still have questions? 

Contact you local branch or salesperson to help with set up or schedule a demo.